10-08-20 Minutes
Open chair:
Car rider line — parent shared that it is running smoother than it was a couple of weeks ago. Admin is working with the crossing guard and the police department to help the process become even smoother.
Indicators: Shared new county form
Parent was appreciative that administrators were/have been visible during car rider times.
iPads- Parent questioned the use of Siri and the ability to disable the feature if used inappropriately. Admin explained that disabling the feature may cause educational and other features on IPads to not operate correctly. Admin assured parents that we will monitor use and individually handle cases on an individual basis according to the code of behavior.
Review: of
* Bylaws- will review at next meeting
* Norms- Team reviewed and agreed to keep in tact until officers are elected
* Fist Five- reviewed and team agreed to keep them
*Role of Advisory- will review at next meeting and once officers are elected
SACI Update: Talked about school hours versus school days, keep 2 weeks at Christmas or shorten to end school sooner, discussed starting school beyond a Monday as well.
New calendars came out for community vote.
Teacher workdays – look to have them on a Friday/Monday to benefit family needs
Discussion- Christmas time —families tend to travel during this time
Snow days: Need 180- accounts for time required. Extra minutes to account for the need of weather related closing.
Attendance: requirements for accreditation mandated by State.
State of the Teachers; how are they allowed to decompress with many requirements
Meetings: 2nd Thursday every Month
Considering developing a two year calendar after the 25-26 school year
*Possibility to have Advisory after SACI for updates and further discussion
PTO: Frosty Moose- Not a great turn out but will pick up check soon.
- Popcorn coming up
- Holiday Market- too much needed to man the store
- Possible- Movie Night
- Texas Road House: January 2025
CIP: Participants reviewed the CIP information and participated in a QSSSA to offer their notices and wondering. Parents questioned the level of THINGS to for teachers.
Next Advisory discussion:
Tuesday, November 19, 2024 @ 6:00pm
Adjourned: 7:24pm