King Elementary
Attendance Policy
Attendance Policy
School Hours:
8:35 AM First Bell/Arrival
8:45 AM Final Bell/Start to the Day
3:25 PM Dismissal
Students should arrive on school grounds at 8:535a.m. when the first bell rings and will be immediately admitted into school. The instructional day begins at 8:45 a.m. Students may not be dropped off early as there is not adequate supervision. Your support in honoring this procedure is greatly appreciated.
A written excuse is required of each student following an absence. The note is presented to the child's teacher upon his/her return to school. Parents are encouraged to call the school to inform us that their child will be absent that day. If the parent does not call, the school will attempt to contact the parent to verify the student's absence.
If your child arrives after 8:45 a.m. in the morning, he/she is considered tardy. The parent must accompany their child to the office to check in before going to class.
Schedule appointments so that they do not conflict with your child's instructional day. Every minute counts. When it is necessary to leave, send a written note stating your intentions to your child's teacher. Students will be signed out in the office before leaving and will not be released to anyone other than parents or persons designated on the Emergency Card. Parents are not to deliver or pick up their children from the classroom.
If your child is to be dismissed in an alternate manner (riding a different bus, walking with a friend, etc.), written permission from you is required. If there is no note, they will be sent home in their usual manner.
An autodialer will be sent by the school if there is inclement weather or an early dismissal required. PWCS will post information on the web site, Twitter, and Facebook. The the time to ensure your child knows the procedure in case of an early dismissal.
We are required to maintain a fire lane at all times. Parents are requested to utilize the "Kiss and Ride" in the parking lot. Staff members are on duty to assist students. Please use the car rider system for drop-off and pick up.